Vastu Shastra Question and Answers.

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Vastu Shastra Question and Answers.

Is Vaastu Shastra applicable to Hindu Religion only ?

Answer – No, the principles of Vaastu are Universal Given in the old classical texts are Based on the 5 Elements of Nature I.e Fire / Water / Air / Earth and Space.

These Rules Effect Everyone on the Planet Equally and These influence the lives of all human beings irrespective of religion, cast , creed or Location.

Is Vastu Shastra applicable to rented houses also ?

Answer – The rules of Vaastu Shastra are equally applicable to a self owned Homes or Offices Or rented premises .

The Rules of Vastu Shastra Remain the Same and The Results also Remain Same.

For a Rented Home If There is any Major Vastu Defect , both the Owner and Tenant are likely to suffer.

Similarly a Vaastu perfect construction is bound to add to the peace, prosperity and happiness of both Owner and Tenant .

How does Vaastu Shastra Effect human beings ? .

Answer – The effect of Vaastu Shastra takes place on all the people staying in a building through the following energies. Biological energy of the environment around the building, Cosmic energy obtained from the Sun and the Moon and Effects of the Planets

Gravitational energy From the Poles and Energy obtained from the nature etc.

Vastu Shastra Helps Up Balance These Energies and Help Up Provide Positive Energy to Grow and Lead a Peaceful and Successful Life.

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