Vastu Shastra Tips for Mirrors.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Mirror . Mirrors Play a Very Important Role in Vastu Shastra . Mirrors are capable of affecting positive as well as negative Vibes. Wrong Mirror Placement Repel Positive Energy and Proper Placement of Mirrors Have the Capacity to Enhance the Positive Energies in the House or Office .

Mirrors in the North Direction are Very Fruitful and Beneficial for the House as North is the Direction of Kubera the Lord of Wealth and Thus Mirror Here in the North Doubles Up Wealth .

As Per Vastu Shastra Mirror Opposite the Tijori is Believed to Double up Your Wealth .

Always Buy a Rectangular or Square shaped mirror for your home or Office as Rectangular or Square considered to be auspicious in Vastu Shastra .

Vastu Shastra Tips for Mirrors.

Mirror in the House Placed in Such a Way that The Outside Scenery is Seen in the Mirror Gives a Soothing Effect and Brings in More Positive Energy in the House.

Mirror Opposite the Dining Table is Highly Recommended as Mirror Opposite the Table Symbolizes doubling of food and attracts Good Health.

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