Vastu Tips for Bedroom for Newly Married Couple.

Vastu Tips for Bedroom for Newly Married Couple.


  • Couple Must sleep with head towards south and feet facing north.
  • No T.V or Mirror Reflecting the Bed.
  • If there are box beds, fill the boxes of the bed with blankets, clothes or bed spreads but not with waste or heavy metal things.
  • On the double cot bed, don’t place 2 separate mattresses, instead use a single mattress for the whole bed.
  • On the head side of the bed don’t place any heavy objects, books, clocks, water containers or medicines etc.
  • Water container should be little far away at a different place from the bed. Use a small container and don’t place this on the side table of the bed.
  • The bed should be made out of wood. Don’t use other materials such as metal.
Vastu Tips for Bedroom for Newly Married Couple.

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Vastu Shatra Tips for Bedroom.

Vastu Shatra Tips for Bedroom.

  1. As Per Vastu Shastra  The door you enter to your bedroom is considered a symbol of opportunities to your life has to offer you and should open at least ninety degrees to fully allow positive opportunities to flow to you. A door that cannot open fully brings breaks in Life.
  2. Upon entering, your bedroom, the first thing you see is something that gives you the feeling of peace and serenity. This could be a photograph,  a painting or sculpture, even flowers will enhance these positive, life supporting feelings.

3. Removing clutter from your Bedroom is the First Rules of Vastu Shastra . Clutter, especially under your bed, weighs you down & brings Stress in your Life. Clear areas of accumulated papers, magazines and newspapers to help you create a sense of organization and space in your Room.

  1. Sleep with your head to the south. Positive magnetic energy comes from the north. The blood in your body contains iron, making your body magnetic with the positive polarity in your head. When you sleep with your head to the north, these twopositive polarities repel each other, disrupting the flow of blood and affecting your sleep and health.
  1. Having a mirror on the wall opposite the foot of your bed can disturb your sleep. You throw off stress during the time you sleep and a mirror will hold the stress and reflect it back to you when you wake up once you sit up in bed. Move the mirror or cover it at night for more restful and replenishing sleep.
  1. Try not to sleep in direct alignment with sharp corners. Sharp corners act as energy spears and create stress in the nervous system. There is not serenity in a room that has sharp corners except by softening them by placing plants in front of them. You can also try moving your bed away from direct alignment with them.
  1. Exposed beams or slanted ceilings are symbols of oppression as they create a cutting effect. If your bed is directly underneath an exposed beam or in a slanted room, it will be difficult to have peaceful rest with this energy looming above you. Kindly cover these beams with False ceiling or some Similar Remedy.

By Amit Lamba
